Creative Self-Care is an online art studio dedicated to providing self-care resources, guides, activities, lesson plans, and challenges that encourage individuals to
prioritize self-care while tapping into their creative side.
Free Printables
Art heals and words have power! Process your emotions and don't allow them to stay bottled up inside. Download these free printables and use creative self-care techniques such as coloring, affirmations and journaling, to help you navigate and manage your emotions.
Coloring & Doodling
Coloring and doodling spark creativity. When you color you are able to live in the moment and bring attention to more positive thoughts. Coloring is a form of creative self-care that leads to a relaxed mind, reduced stress and anxiety because you are focusing more on coloring a picture and less on troubling thoughts.
Positive affirmations can change the course of your day. Repeating positive statements out loud will help you turn negative and unhealthy thoughts into positive ones. Our thoughts affect our emotions and our emotions affect our behavior. By repeating or meditating on positive affirmations you can develop affirming self-dialogue. Do this first thing in the morning and throughout your day. You will see a change and win the battle in your mind.
Writing in a journal each day allows you to direct your focus on self-care by helping you gain clarity and find solutions. You can focus on what you've accomplished, what your thankful for, and what you're committed to doing better.
Sign-up for a Self-Care Challenge
Challenge yourself and sign up to receive a 30 day self-care challenge! Take some time each day to dedicate to yourself. Spend at least 20 minutes being intentional about self-care. Use this challenge to help you prioritize your physical, social, spiritual, and emotional health.